Following Jesus is the most important decision we can make.
The story of the Scriptures is not a God desperate to destroy humanity for its vanity… it is the story of a God who loves His creation more than they love themselves. He loves us with an everlasting love that demonstrates itself in the story of Jesus. Jesus is God with us, Who came to show us what God is like. Through His virgin birth, sinless life, His miraculous works, death in our place, and victorious resurrection, we see the plan come to fruition.
In Jesus God makes us right with Himself. We have sinned and chosen brokenness. But God has done everything necessary to make us right with Him. Now we are given an opportunity to turn from our sin (the Biblical word is repentance), and turn back to God. To admit we need His forgiveness and accept that Jesus has done that for us. This is the way we begin to follow Jesus.
If you want to begin following Jesus, let us know! Send us an email at info@insideoutla.org.