Service is in person & Live-streamed online every Sunday:
Sunday Services
10:00 AM (In Person & Online Live)
1310 Liberty Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026
We are that big brick building on the corner!
Want more info?
Call us at (213) 413-1650 or send us an email at info@insideoutla.org
We have two ways for you to join us online on Sundays!
Can’t wait to see you!

Interested in starting a
relationship with Jesus?
Our services are guest-friendly - meaning we do everything to make sure you feel at home and not out of place.
Our music style is contemporary with a blend of new worship songs and remade traditional pieces. We value all music traditions and all generations. Looking to the future, we intentionally build our services around the next generation.
Every Sunday, we join together as followers of Jesus in taking communion to remember what He did for us on the cross. As directed in the Bible, we eat a piece of bread which represents the body of Jesus that was broken for us, and drink a cup of juice which represents the blood of Jesus that was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. If you are not a follower of Jesus or you do not want to participate, don’t feel obligated to partake.
We also have an opportunity to worship God through our tithes and offerings every Sunday in service. If you are a first time guest, please don't feel obligated to give. If you want to give, you can in person or give online through our website or through Venmo.
What we would really like is to connect with you and one way we do that is through a connection card. Simply fill out as much information as you feel comfortable providing and submit online or bring it by the connection table in person for a free gift.
Our services are approximately 65 minutes.
Intentional age related programming occurs throughout the week at IOLA. Nursery & Children’s classes for kids 0-12 are available on Sundays. We also have midweek activities on Wednesday nights for kids and youth at 7pm. Families are a key part of InsideOut and we can't wait to meet you!
email us at info@insideoutla.org
or call us at (213) 413-1560